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The Method

Parke's method is based on 17th and 18th Century principles of singing. His goal is to train voices to sing in a free and natural manner, smoothly, from the bottom of the range to the top with no breaks or sudden changes in quality. Training in this technique gives the singer access to all dynamics, with tonal clarity and flexibility.  Also, training in this technique helps improve a singer’s range, endurance, stamina, breath control, resonance, vocal strength and vocal quality across all styles of music without fatigue or damage to the voice. He achieves these results by training the singer to find a balance between airflow and intrinsic muscular resistance, all within a resting laryngeal posture.


You will probably find that there are certain areas of your voice where singing is easier for you, and certain points of your voice that are more difficult. These harder areas are called bridges. The key to Parke's method is understanding the bridges and the mix. Bridges in the voice are passage areas from one part of our vocal range to another. In Italian, they're called passagi-or maybe you've heard the term passagio. These passage areas are a result of vocal cord adjustments that must take place in order for us to sing high and low in our range. These vocal cord adjustments produce resonance shifts in our body. Parke's method accomplishes this through a series of exercises that are prescribed specifically for your voice, to allow you to sing through these areas with ease.


Beginners will work towards applying good technique and balance in the voice. Once we have established this, we will introduce vocal style. Professional singers on the other hand, have often developed their own style, therefore we will work with exercises that add strength, flexibility and preserve the voice, so that you can rely on a technique that will last a lifetime!

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